
Wahyu Nita

Senin, 21 Juli 2014


This chapter consist of background, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the problem, and significance research.

A.                     Background of The Problem

Nowadays, English is one of important language in the world. The materials provided at the school also had to use English. Including the given book consists of a variety of reading with English language. But in this case many students who have difficulty to understand what they have read before from the book. It start from start from Elementary school’s students have been received and learned about this language. It has been stated at “Keputusan Kakanwil Depdikbud Propinsi Jatim” No. 1702/104/M/94/SK 30 Maret 1994) that:
“Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa asing yang di anggap penting diajarkan untuk tujuan penyerapan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni budaya, serta pengembangan hubungan antar bangsa.” (1994: 69).
It means that English is important foreigner language that has to be teached by teachers to their students. To improve their knowledge, technology and art and the relationship between one person to the others.
According to “Permendiknas no 22 tahun 2006 tentang Standart Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah” as stated below:
Bahasa Inggris merupakan alat untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulis. Berkomunikasi adalah memahami dan mengungkapkan informasi, pikiran, perasaan, dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan budaya. Kemampuan  berkomunikasi dalam pegertian yang  utuh adalah kemampuan berwacana, yakni kemampuan memahami dan/atau menghasilkan teks lisan dan/atau tulis yang direalisasikan dalam empat ketrampilan berbahasa, yaitu mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Keempat ketrampilan inilah yang digunakan untuk menaggapi atau menciptakan wacana dalm kehidupan bermasyarakat. Oleh karena itu, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di arahkan untuk menggembangkan ketrampilan-ketrampilan tersebut agar lulusan mampu berkomunikasi dan berwacana dalam bahasa Inggris pada tingkat literasi tertentu. (Permendiknas 2006:123)
There are four ability in English. There are listening, speaking, reading, writing. Reading is highly effective in developing students’ vocabulary knowledge and the comprehension of older student reader (Fisher, Frey, & Lapp, 2008). One of the most well known definitions of reading is provided by Anderson (1985) “Reading is the process of constructing meaning from writen text. It is a complex skill requiring the combination of a number of interrelated sources of information”.
Even English has been given to the student from Elementary school  in the fact many students don’t know well about English. The students still find difficult thing in learning process about English. Actually in their reading comprehension. That’s why many students in the high school have difficult and find some problems in reading. The problem frequently found is about their reading comprehension. They are also confuse about the text, because they don’t know about the meaning.
According to Lasky (1993) comprehension is an interest driven process where the purpose for reading can change over time. So, reading comprehension is finding determinant meanings (author’s intent and implicit meaning of the text) and toward the notion that reading comprehension (a) requires recognition that text has indeterminate  meanings and (b) empowers readers to create the meaning.
For reading comprehension the students need some strategies that can make they understand what they have read. From O’Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1998) strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed. There are numerous different classification systems for reading comprehension strategies. Several researchers who insvetigate reading comprehension strategies whether from a developmental, expert novice, or intervention prespective need high quality measures of strategic knowledge and strategy use. However , have recently called into question whether self-report measures of strategy use in reading can be valid with any group of participants (Baker & Cerro, 2000; Hadwin, Winne, Stockley, Nesbit & Woszcyana, 2001). Alexander and Judy (1988) define strategies as goal-directed procedures that are planfully or inventionally evoked that aid in the regulation, execution, or evaluation of the task. Paris, Cross, and Lipson (1984) further distinguish between declarative strategy knowledge (knowledge about what strategy are), procedural strategy knowledge (knowledge about how to use a strategy), and conditional strategy knowledge (knowledge about when to use a strategy). According to (Hacker,1998) in reading comprehension, proficient readers have been found to engage in a wide range of cognitive and metacognitive strategies.
B.                      Identification of The Problem
Reading is one of important thing in learning English as a foreign language, it means that to learn English ability (listening,speaking, writing, and reading) students must mastery in their reading comprehension. But it can be denied that the students’ problem in reading comprehension is very serious. The students often do not understand the contents of the reading that they have read. Most  of them were afraid to ask the points that they did not understand to the teacher. This situation made the students passive in their learning process. The students enthusiasm was much related to the strategies used by the teacher in transferring the lesson. The students  would become not interested in learning if the strategies used was  monotonous. Knowing this problem, the teacher give the strategies to comprehend their reading. That is why some strategies such as, Cognitive strategies (COG), Metacognitive strategies (MET), and Social strategies (SOC) are required to help students to comprehend their reading.
C.                     Limitation of The Problem
This research is focus in good research quality in this research. And the limitation problems here there are follow: The reading comprehension strategy there are Cognitive strategies  (COG), and Metacognitive strategies (MET).

D.                     Formulation of The Problem
The problem of this research can be formulated as follows :
1.    What kinds of the reading comprehension strategies used by  the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih?
2.    What is the dominant reading comprehension strategies used by the students?

E.                      Purpose of The Research
Based on the formulation above, the purpose of this research is :
1.    To know and describe the reading comprehension strategies applied by  the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih.
2.    To know  the dominant reading comprehension strategies used by the students.

F.                      Significant of The Research
It is expected that the result of the study will give some benefits for the teacher, the researcher,  and the other researches :
è The Teacher
It can improve the teacher knowledge about many stategy in teaching reading and the teacher can applied the strategy in teaching process.
è The students
The students will try to comprehend their reading. It will help them to learn English ability easily.
è The Researcher
The result will be useful to improve the knowledge about reading comprehension strategy.
G.                     Definition Of Key Term
1.      Definition of reading
Anderson (1985) “Reading is the process of constructing meaning from writen text. It is a complex skill requiring the combination of a number of interrelated sources of information.
2.      Definition of  reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is finding determinant meanings (author’s intent and implicit meaning of the text) and toward the notion that reading comprehension (a) requires recognition that text has indeterminate  meanings and (b) empowers readers to create the meaning. (Bodgan, Deanne, and Straw, Stanely; 1990)
3.      Definition of reading comprehension stategy
Reading comprehension strategies are steps taken by the language learners to comprehend the reading. (Stoffer, 1995; Nation, 2001; and Gu, 2003)

A.    Theoretical Framework
1.      The definition of  reading
Reading is highly effective in developing students’ vocabulary knowledge and the comprehension of older student reader (Fisher, Frey, & Lapp, 2008). One of the most well known definitions of reading is provided by Anderson (1985) “Reading is the process of constructing meaning from writen text. It is a complex skill requiring the combination of a number of interrelated sources of information”.
2.      The definition of reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is finding determinant meanings (author’s intent and implicit meaning of the text) and toward the notion that reading comprehension (a) requires recognition that text has indeterminate  meanings and (b) empowers readers to create the meaning.(Bodgan, Deanne, and Straw, Stanely; 1990)
3.      The Definition of reading comprehension strategy
Reading comprehension strategies are steps taken by the language learners to comprehend the reading. (Stoffer, 1995; Nation, 2001; and Gu, 2003)
From O’Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1998) strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed. There are numerous different classification systems for reading comprehension strategies. Paris, Cross, and Lipson (1984) further distinguish between declarative strategy knowledge (knowledge about what strategy are), procedural strategy knowledge (knowledge about how to use a strategy), and conditional strategy knowledge (knowledge about when to use a strategy). According to (Hacker,1998) in reading comprehension, proficient readers have been found to engage in a wide range of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. There are some strategies to comprehend the reading :
a.    Social strategies (SOC) : the strategies help the students to acquire the language through communication with others, such as cooperation and question for clarification.
b.    Cognitive strategies (COG) : the strategies enable the students to understand and produce language and compensation strategies help the students to use the language despite their lack of necessary knowledge of the language.
c.    Metacognitive strategies (MET) : Students used the strategies to organize the teaching process such as arranging, planning and evaluating the teaching process.

B.     Review Of The Related Research
Based on the related research Self-report of reading comprehension strategies: What are we measuring ?. The writer Jennifer G. Cromley – Roger Azevedo found that proficient readers engage in a wide range of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and both development and classroom intervention reserachers are in need of high – quality measures of strategy use.

C.    Rationale
Reading is one of the important thing in learning english as second language. Ang also reading is highly effective in developing students’ vocabulary knowledge and the comprehension of older student reader without vocabulary students can not learn English skill ( listening, speaking, writing, and reading) easily. In the fact, students have difficulty to comprehend a passage. They have to find the meaning of each word one by one, but it can not solve their problem. The teacher should choose the best way or strategies so that student are able to comprehend their reading.


In this chapter the researcher discuses all things about the research methodology related to the content of this research, they are identification of the research variable, technique and research approach, place and time of the research, population and sample, research instrument and technique of collecting the data, technique of of analyzing the data.
A.    Identification of the research variable
     In every research, it is important to know the variable that is going to be observed. According to Arikunto (2010 : 161) states :
     “ Variabel adalah objek penelitian, atau apa yang menjadi titik perhatian suatu penelitian.” Based on the statement above, variable is something that is observed by researcher.
     According to Sugiono ( 2012 : 39 ) stated that variabel bebas atau variabel independen adalah variabel yang mempengaruhi atau yang menjadi sebab perubahannya atau timbulnya variabel dependen atau terikat. It seems that independent variable can influence dependent variable.
     Another one, Sugiono (2008:39) stated that variabel terikat merupakan variabel yang dipengaruhi atau yang menjadi akibat karena adanya variabel bebas. Based on the statement above, dependent variable is variable that can be resulted by independent variable. There is only one variable in this research, that is the reding comprehension strategies as independent variable.

B.     Technique and research approach
1.      Technique of the research
In this study, researcher use  descriptive research. According to Arikunto      (2010 : 3) explains, “ Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk menyelidiki keadaan, kondisi atau hal-hal lain yang sudah disebutkan, yang hasilnya dipaparkan dalam bentuk laporan penelitian.” It means that descriptive research is a research to observe the existing condition.
2.      Research approach
In this study, the researcher use quantitative approach. Sugiono explains that ”Data kuantitatif adalah data yang berbentuk angka, atau data kualitatif yang diangkakan.” It means that quantitative data is data which is scoring.
C.    Place and time of the research
1.      Place of the research
This research will take place in SMPN I Ngadiluwih.
2.      Time of the research
The arrangement of time schedule is very important in holding the research since it will determine how long the research will be held. In this research the writer will hold the research on July 2013.

D.    Population and sample
1.      Population
Connecting with the population of the research, it is better if writer know the meaning of population first. According to Sugiyono (2010:80) state, “ Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas obyek atau subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya.” Based on the statement above the writer know that population is the object of the research. The writer choose the ninth grade students of SMPN I Ngadiluwih.
2.      Sample
Sugiyono (2010:81) states that sample is a part of the amount and the characteristic of the population. The sample of the research are 40 students of the ninth grade of SMPN I Ngadiluwih. Here, the writer use simple random sampling. In this technique researcher give the same chance to every subject to be a sample.

E.     Research instrument and technique of collecting the data
1.      The development of instrument
The instrument used to get the data is questionnaire. According to Arikunto (2010:194) “ Kuesioner adalah sejumlah pertanyaan tertulis yang digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dari responden dalam arti laporan tentang pribadi, atau hal-hal yang ia ketahui.” In this research, the writer use closed questionnaire to get the data.

Scoring technique of the instrument is the respondent just choose the number 1 up to 5. The meaning of every single number are:
1 = if the respondent not use the strategy at all
2 = if the respondent use the strategy 25%
3 = if the respondent use the strategy 50%
4 = if the respondent use the strategy 75%
5 = if the respondent use the strategy 100%
2.      Technique of collecting the data
In this research, the technique of the data collection that the writer use is closed questionnaire. The writer collects the data by giving questions which is provided with the answes so that respondent can choose the answer directly.

F.     Technique of of analyzing the data
To analyze the data from the questionnaire instrument,  the writer pay attention to the check list of every column which has different score. Next, multiply the frequency in every column with the score, then added up. Finally, it is obtained the score for each item of the question. To know the final rank of the score of the items, the amount must be divided with the amount of the respondent who answer the questionnaire.

Suggestion and Hopes
This proposal we made to observe the students’ reading comprehension strategies, if there any mistake or lack, we hope some suggestion to make this proposal better. We hope that the research will be done well.


Level of agreement
You are deciding in advance to attend in general to learning task and ignore to irrelevant distactors

You are deciding in advance to attend to spesific aspects of language input or situational details

You can understand with the condition that help one learn and arranging for the presence of those condition

You are correcting one’s speech of accurancy in pronounciation, grammar or vocabulary

You are checking the outcomes of one’s own language learning against an internal measure of completeness and accurancy

You are imitating a language model, including overt practice and silent rehearsal

You are using target language reference materials

You are using first language as a base for understanding and/or producting the second language

You are reclassfying the materials to be learned based on common attributes

You are making note making the important points or sumary of information presented orally or in writing

You consciously applying rules to produce or understand the second language

You are constructing a meaningful sentence or recombination in a new way

You are relating new information to visual concepts in memory, easily retrievable visualizations, or phrases

You are identifying a familiar word in the first language

You are generating easily recalled images of some relationship between the new word and the familiar word

You are placing a word or phrase in a meaningful language sequence

You are relating new information to other concept in memory

You are using conceptual knowledge to facilitate a new language learning task

You are working with one or more peers to obtain feedback, pool information or a model language activity

You are asking the teacher or other native speakers for repetion, paraphrasing, explanation and/or examples


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