
Wahyu Nita

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014



A.    Background of The Problem
Language is an important tool for communication. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, language is “(1)The system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country, (2) the use by humans of a system of sound and words to communicate, (3) a particular style of speaking or writing”.1 It means people can express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires by language. In Indonesia, English has become the first foreign language which is taught from elementary level up to university. English is also intensively used in international communication, in written as well as in spoken communication. In addition, many books of science and technology, art, and other published issues are written in English. In English language, there are four skills to be mastered. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Writing is one of the four language skills which is very important to learn. As it know, writing is not easy. Among the skills, writing is the most difficult skill to be learnt, because it needs hard thinking in producing words, sentences, and paragraph at the same time. Writing is the process of creating text. In writing process there are steps that can be used to get good writing. According to Ron White and Valerie cited by Jeremi Harmer, “writing is re-writing, that re-vision seeing with new eyes,  has a central role play in the act of creating text. Drafting, structuring, reviewing, focusing, generating idea and evaluation are the part of process writing”.
Mark Tredinnick (2008) also explained: Writing is the art of making utterance perfectly natural through the perfectly unnatural process of making every word and phrase again and again, cutting here and add there, until it is just so. It is contrived spontaneity. What the researcher wants is something just like speech only more compressed, more melodic, more economical, more balance, more precise.
As Jack C. Richard and Willy A. Renandya said, “ writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text.” Writing is a complicated process of problem solving which involves controlling the text, reaching the purpose of writing the thoughts in the text, planning-arranging the thoughts and collecting data for the target (Chen and Zhou, 2010). Thoughts, which are composed according to the aim of writing, are unique and single. People have a peculiar writing style like speaking style, because writing is the product of cognitive process and original creation. Yilmaz (2009) explains the originality of writing with the help of Altınköprü, 1999 as: “Writing is a form reflected from the individual. Even if it is a learnt technique, it is a trace from him/her. That is him, peculiar to him or emphasizes him. It is certain like his finger print, determines the person, single like personality, and changes from person to person.” The originality of writing (and of  thought)  appears  with using effectively the right brain which includes creativeness of individuals.
From the explanation above, the writer assume that that the word read not only means reading, but also writing, thinking or understanding. Writing is also important to be learned, because by writing, the knowledge can be kept. In the second year of junior high school, the basic competency that should be achieved in the writing English subject is that the students have ability to develop and produce written simple functional text in the descriptive text, recount text, and narrative text.
Descriptive text is one of the functional texts which is difficult enough to be learnt by the students. Based on Artono (2008) descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place. Descriptive text consists of introduction and description. Introduction is the part of paragraph that introduces the character, and description is the part of paragraph that describes the character. Ann Hogue explained that we have to tell about characteristic when we describe a person, and also tell about it looks like when we describe a place. But we have to tell about place first, then what people are doing if we describe scene with people. The students can use the simple present and adjective clause in writing descriptive text. In writing the descriptive text, students often find some difficulties. The students usually feel difficult to organize their ideas. Furthermore, many students made some mistakes and faced difficulties to build and develop their imagination.
It needs the technique that can be used to improve ability in writing of descriptive text. According to Edward Anthony in Richards identified that technique is implementation-that which actually takes place in classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. To modify positively the situation of the classroom and to make the teaching-learning process lively, the writer would like to propose an alternative technique, that is the one which common known under the term “Clustering Technique”. Clustering technique is a good way to turn a broad subject into a limited and more manageable topic for a short essay. According to John Langan, clustering technique also known as diagramming or mapping, is another strategy that can be used to generate material for a paper. Rico (1983) defined clustering as a "nonlinear brain storming process akin to free association". It is a powerful technique which allows students to discover or "uncover" what they think about a subject; it provides organization to thought without slowing the flow of thoughts; it can help the thinker assess the quality of thought and serve as a guide for writing. Indeed, after clustering ideas, one can move directly to writing in paragraph form. Thus depending upon purpose, clustering may be used for thinking (cluster as an end product); or as a prewriting strategy (cluster as an organizational guide for writing). However it is used, clustering is a dynamic process best understood by experiencing it first hand.
In this technique, students can be helped to collect and generate the ideas to write descriptive easily. This technique uses the diagram or circles to get the ideas and connect them like branches. The ideas that relate to the topic are connected by using the lines like branches. Clustering can help students to start writing. Students can easy to gathering ideas by writing many words as a keyword that relate to the topic. This technique give benefit for students when they have difficulty to start writing, especially in writing descriptive text. Moreover, the clustering technique can motivate the students to write and to stimulus their ideas. Beside that, this technique will help the students to organize their thinking before they develop in a paragraph.
The writer found a problem faced by students at eight grades of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih, the process of teaching –learning in the classroom is still passive. The students do not understand clearly about descriptive text, how to identify the descriptive text, and how to describe persons, places, and things in English writing. Beside that, the teacher uses the old technique in teaching descriptive text (Grammar Translation Method) which makes the students felt bored and difficult to understand the material when teaching learning process conducted. Therefore, the teacher needs to be more creative in teaching, including the use of technique.

Based on the background above, the writer takes a title of this research “Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Descriptive Text Using Clustering Technique At Eight Grades of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih on Academic Year 2014/2015”.
B.     Identification of The Problem
The writer find a problem faced by students at eight grades of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih, where students were still confused in writing descriptive text. Some students got good result but some students were confused in making descriptive text and got dissatisfying score. They got the score under the minimum passing score. So, it became a problem that important to be solved. To solve the problem and forthe reason above, the writer try to use clustering as a technique for learning or teaching writing especially in descriptive text in order to the students easier in getting the ideas then composing the text. By using clustering, student learn how to get or generating the ideas easily.

C.    Scope of The Study
In this research, the writer only focuses on eighth grades of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih on Academic Year 2014/2015, and to make a description of this research deeper, the problems will be limited in the implementation of using clustering technique for improving students skill in writing descriptive text.

D.    Researh Questions
Based on the statement above, the writer plans to analyze the implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grades of students of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih. This research is intended to answer the following questions:
1. How can  clustering technique improve students’ writing skill of descriptive text of eight grades at SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih?
2. How is the students’ response when they are taught writing on descriptive text use clustering technique?

E.     Purpose of The Study
Based on the research questions above, the objectives of the study are:
1. To describe the use of clustering technique to improve students’ writing skill of descriptive text.
2. To find out the response of students’ writing skill of descriptive text after being taught using clustering technique.

F.     Significant of The Study
Based on the purposes of study, the significance of the study can be stated as follows:
1. For writer
By doing this research, the researcher hopes that he will get some experiences and knowledge about his study and it will be useful in the future. Besides, the researcher hopes can find the effective way to teach writing by using another technique.
2. For Teacher of English Subject
By doing this research, the teacher is expected to be more creative in creating a technique to improve students’ skill especially for writing, so it can decrease students’ boredom in teaching learning process.
3. For Students
By using clustering technique, the students are expected to improve their writing on descriptive text.
4. Other researcher
For further researchers who are interested in teaching descriptive writing at junior high school level can get the basic information from this study to do the further research.

G.    Hypothesis
Using custering technique can improve students’ skill in writing descriptive text at eight grades of SMPN 1 Ngadiluwih on academic year 2014/2015.

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